Lincoln Quote

Lincoln Quote

Sunday, August 31, 2014

And so it begins

Our Old Farm House  
And So It Begins...

Welcome to our farm blog, where those who wish to, can follow our progress as we create our forever home. My name is Ted Wilson and my wife is Abigail. Since I work in Eastern NJ and Abigail works in Eastern PA, we set out looking for our forever home somewhere in between. Abigail is a teacher which allowed her to spend a good portion of her summer browsing the MLS, looking for our dream home.

The criteria: acreage, have a pond or stream, be affordable, be within 1 hour of my work, and lots character. This proved to be quite difficult since my business is in NJ over looking NYC. Homes that fit our wish list weren't exactly abundant in the most densely populated area of the country, but we pressed on with our search. Armed with the internet and Google Earth, Abigail sent possible listings to me all summer but we both agreed that none of them were ideal. Then, she found "the one" on a Thursday night and by Friday morning we had a appointment with the listing agent to view the property.

From the moment we pulled into the driveway we knew this was the one. The property is hidden from the street by a long driveway protected by trees. Within minutes, we had made up our minds, that this was where we were going to spend the rest of our lives! There was one minor problem... the home was in such poor condition that the home inspector actually recommended a complete tear down as one option! The entire reason we were buying the home was for the character so that was not a option. And so began our journey of resorting our old farm home.

The day of closing

This blog will serve both for others to follow our journey and as a time capsule so that we can re-live our journey in years to come. Perhaps we can even serve as a inspiration to others who are considering taking on a similar project. 

Below are a few pictures from our first ever visit to the property on August 14th, 2014.