Lincoln Quote

Lincoln Quote

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Will Demo Ever End?

Will Demo Ever End?

That's how we feel.  But the truth is there is still a lot of demo in our future.  We are only focusing on the interior of the house at this point and that's more than enough!  Since our last update we have:

1) Removed all electric and plumbing. The electric and plumbing wasn't even original but was still far too old to be considered modern.  For example, all of the copper was 1/2".  I'm not sure about you but I enjoy the ability to be able to flush a toilet and not worry that my wife will be scolded by hot water in the shower!  Thus, we will be installing all plumbing and electric from scratch to meet modern building code. 

Second 30 yard dumpster

2) Removed the kitchen floor.  Crawl spaces are a target for problems so we are not taking any chances.  The kitchen was the last of two crawlspaces that were gutted.  The next step will be to support the floor joists and then install a vapor barrier before insulating the floor.

3)  Demo our master bedroom / master suite.  We are trying to move as fast as we can, however, it is so difficult to move fast when there is so much history and so much to see.  

Your eyes immediately went to the floor, but that is for another post.  Focus!

The door hinges...

Despite our love of the history, demo is necessary.  With much trepidation, we continued to tear down walls and ceilings.  To our surpise, we found yet another layer of history!

The wall paper isn't exactly our taste but we can't help but imagine the history here.  Also, the ceiling was a false sheet rock ceiling...

Layer after layer, we continue to make progress. Surprises continue to be around every corner... for example:

Yup!  That is some type of animal's nest in front of some type of hornet or wasps nests!  

One would think, with the Christmas holidays approaching, that the speed of this project would start to slow down. However, we hope to use the holiday season down time to work even faster!  After all, our ultimate intention for the farm is to enjoy holidays such as Christmas on our farm with family!

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